Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Here at ADVANCE we take equality and diversity extremely seriously. We recognise that gender equality is an important issue in any modern workplace.

This report relates to the thousands of contract and temporary workers we employ. Our employees work in a wide range of industries and sectors, performing different roles that attract differing levels of remuneration.

  • Our data shows that women’s pay is lower than men’s
  • Our data shows that women’s bonus pay is higher than men’s.
  • It also shows that a higher proportion of men receive a bonus payment.
  • There is a higher proportion of men in each of the four pay bands.

As a progressive employer, ADVANCE will continue to promote gender equality. We are pleased to publish this data.


The information below relates to relevant employees of Advance Contracting Solutions Ltd on the snapshot date of 5 April 2023.

We confirm that the information contained within this report is accurate and put together in compliance with Gender Pay Gap Reporting Requirements and The Equality Act 2010.

Mean and median gender pay gap

At ADVANCE, women’s mean hourly rate is 1.9% lower than men’s. In other words, when comparing mean hourly rates, women earn £0.98 for every £1 that men earn.

Women’s median hourly rate is 8.4% higher than men’s. In other words, when comparing median hourly rates, women earn £1.08 for every £1 that men earn.

EXPLANATION: The mean pay gap is the difference in the average of men’s and women’s pay. The median is the difference in the midpoints.

Mean and median gender bonus gap

At ADVANCE, women’s mean bonus pay is 8.3% lower than men’s.

Women’s median bonus pay is 49.3% lower than men’s.

EXPLANATION: The mean bonus gap is the difference in the average of men’s and women’s bonus pay. The median is the difference in the midpoints.

Who received bonus pay

  • 92.9% of women received bonus pay.
  • 91.9% of men received bonus pay.

EXPLANATION: This is the proportion of men and women who received bonus pay in the 12 months leading up to the snapshot date of 5 April 2023.

Proportion of men and women in each pay quartile

EXPLANATION: This is the percentage of men and women employees in four quartile pay bands, dividing our workforce into four equal parts.

You can also find our results on the official government Gender Pay Gap website.

We confirm that data reported by ADVANCE is accurate and has been calculated according to the requirements and methodology set out in the Equality Act 2010.

Director's name: Anna Dodd (Sills)
Job Title: Managing Director


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